Rock Choir Record Coldplay’s ‘Fix You’ To Support Mental Awareness Week.

The Largest Contemporary Choir in the World, Rock Choir, Advocate that Singing Can Lower Anxiety Levels.

“I have recently joined Rock Choir; I was looking to do something that would help lift my mental health after losing my husband to suicide in lockdown. It has been the best decision ever. It truly feeds my soul.”

“My brother died four years ago; he committed suicide. This project means a lot to me, if we can save just one person, or encourage one person to reach out and get help and save a life, then this project will be worth it.”

 “This time last year I was in a very dark place, a friend introduced me to Rock Choir, and it helped me to come out of the darkness and singing is such a wonderful experience to do and helps to express your feelings and emotions. I hope this project gives other people hope. The friends I’ve met in Rock Choir saved me.”

The world’s largest contemporary choir, Rock Choir, recently offered an open invitation to the public to take part in a meaningful and exciting fundraising music video and recording project to support Mental Health Awareness Week which takes place 15-21st May 2023. The theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is ‘Anxiety’.


Earlier this month, Rock Choir put out a call to the public to join their national membership of 33,000, and record and contribute their vocals for a special new recording of Fix You by Coldplay. Their voices were mixed and blended together and feature on the final soundtrack of the video. The video was filmed at Torre Abbey in Torquay and features moving and evocative footage of over 150 Rock Choir Members from Devon performing the song. This music video will be released over Mental Health Awareness Week in May and the ambitious fundraising project has already raised over £7,000 with all the funds going directly to the Mental Health Foundation.

The Mental Health Foundation recently conducted a UK poll that found a quarter of adults in the UK (25%) feel so anxious that it stops them doing the things they need, or want to do, most or all the time. Six in ten adults feel this way at least occasionally.  Every week in England, 6 in 100 people will be diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder (Mind) and in the UK, over 8 million people are experiencing an anxiety disorder at any one time (Mental Health UK). As the cost-of-living crisis takes an even tighter grip, the aftermath from the recent Covid Pandemic is still having a huge detrimental impact on public mental health as highlighted in the Mental Health Foundation’s recent cost of living survey.

Throughout the duration of the Covid-19 lockdowns, Rock Choir offered a daily lifeline to not only the existing Rock Choir Membership but also to the general public, with an open invitation to sing and benefit from the many aspects of being part of a choir. They offered FREE daily singing sessions via their social media channels which they called ‘Keep Britain Singing’. This kept everyone connected with one other and offered structure and a feel-good focus each day leaving participants engaged and feeling positive. The Rock Choir Team was fully aware that supporting the mental health of the nation was even more crucial during that time and they pledged their continued ongoing support to raise awareness of how singing and music activities can combat depression and anxiety as well as a vast range of physical health issues. Rock Choir supported the Mental Health Foundation throughout the pandemic with numerous fundraising projects and they continue to do so. To date, they have raised more than £60,000 for the charity.

Creator and Creative Director of Rock Choir, Caroline Redman Lusher has witnessed the transformative effects group singing has on an individual. Caroline is a passionate advocate of the health and well-being benefits of singing and music. She explains that:

  • When singing, we experience an increase in the amount of endocannabinoids released into the brain. This is a natural feel-good chemical which gives us a natural high. Rock Choir Members took part in a televised study conducted by the University of Nottingham, which measured their endocannabinoid levels after singing in a Rock Choir group session and after other pleasurable activities including dancing and cycling. The results proved that group singing can boost endocannabinoids to give our brains a buzz and make us feel good. In fact, singing boosted endocannabinoids by an enormous 42%compared to dancing at 21% and cycling at 19%.

  • Singing releases endorphins, the brains’ feel-good chemicals.

  • Singing releases oxytocin, a hormone that alleviates anxiety and stress.

  • Singing gives us a release of serotonin associated with feelings of euphoria and contentment.

  • Singing lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol proving that singing is a great stress reliever!!

  • Singing allows our brain to release dopamine to motivate us and give us pleasure!

  • Singing may also boost our immune system.

  • Singing improves lung function.

Caroline Redman Lusher created Rock Choir 18 years ago and created the very first original contemporary choir experience in the UK. Since Rock Choir launched, many other choirs of all genres have followed and the number of participants taking part in choirs is at an all-time high. This highlights that singing is a popular hobby and pastime, proven to give individuals a natural high, offering people a lifestyle of happiness and joy as well as providing enormous physical and mental health benefits.

The emotional and physical responses of our bodies when singing in a group are even more heightened when you consider the enormous social benefits that support these health benefits. Caroline Redman Lusher has observed how friendships and being part of a community can also improve self-confidence and self-esteem. This all adds to the life-changing list of ingredients that an individual can experience through the exuberance of group singing.

Mark Rowland, CEO of the Mental Health Foundation, comments:

“We're very grateful to Rock Choir! Their brilliant recording project helps us raise the profile of Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 (May 15-21st) and highlights the positive impact activities like arts and music can have on our mental health. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Rock Choir Team and all their members for their ongoing support. I can’t wait to hear the final version of Fix You.”

Caroline Redman Lusher, Creator, Creative Director and CEO of Rock Choir comments:

“Anxiety, at times, can be debilitating. It can also be lonely and frightening. People are struggling more than ever to access the hobbies they once loved since the pandemic, which is a concern as we know they can have such a positive effect on mental health. We also know that singing of any kind is a great stressbuster! It can improve confidence and self-esteem and create a joyful and happy lifestyle. I’ve often been told that the Rock Choir experience should be prescribed on the NHS! The evidence is overwhelming proving that singing can make a huge difference and I hope that through our awareness campaign we can further advocate the health and well-being benefits and raise awareness about anxiety. I am delighted that by creating this project, all of us taking part in or connected to Rock Choir are able to support the Mental Health Foundation and the vital work they do.

All donations from the fundraising video will go straight to the charity via a Just Giving Link -


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