The Autumn Saints New Album Windburn & Broken Oak Released 08/07/22.

The Autumn Saints are an Anglo-American band based in Oxford, UK. The group’s sound has its roots planted firmly in the American South paired with the vibrant energy and ambiance of British post-punk and indie rock. The band was discovered by seminal music industry veteran, Nick Stewart, the man who signed The Long Ryders, U2 and Killing Joke. The band’s new album (Wind Burnt & Broken Oak) has been described as “The Band meets War on Drugs”.

Lead singer Britt Strickland brings the soulful, weighty music history of his home state of North Carolina to the City of Dreaming Spires. The southern storytelling tradition made famous by the likes of Dylan and Johnny Cash is very much alive in the Saints' music, with tales of hurricanes sweeping through the Appalachian Mountains and rural encounters at the lonely crossroads.

The British influence in the band, though, is also unmistakeable. The melodic, ethereal guitar lines that float and weave through the songs create the sort of atmospheric depth that British indie groups have always done so well. Both David Ireland (guitar) and Martin Gallagher (drums) bring their own musical influences to the sound, from the shuffling rhythms and counter-rhythms of groups like the Stone Roses to the twisting, choppy guitar licks of Wilko Johnson. Nick Bennett (Hammond Organ, lapsteel and harmonies) brings vivid roots flavour to the mix.

Being released on Man in the Moon Records, this is an album to be heard.
"A kind of rootsy rock music for the cathedrals...amongst my favourite of our recent finds”

--Dave Gilyeat – BBC Introducing ------

‘Woody Guthrie for the 21st century – wind blown farmers watching their crops fail, and faced with relentless and unending desperation.”

Jonathan Aird Americana UK -----

Dave McGee about song “Dust Bowl Year” – Rolling Stone contributor and author of Steve

Earle: Fearless Heart, Outlaw Poet


“American expat singer and bassist Britt is an animated rock’n’roll preacher on stage, possessed of a powerful, soulful voice...The [band’s] epic emotive sound has a similar sense of dark, atmospheric euphoria to it as cult gothic country legends 16 Horsepower”

Dale Kattack – Night Shift Magazine ------

“Vocals that Kings of Leon would be jealous of, kicking bass and chunky chip riffs” "One of Oxford's most dynamic bands"

Tim Hughes – Oxford Mail
“Atmospheric, meaningful songs...they are quite mesmerizing”
Penny Lee – The Haven Club
"The talent of the band all round is really magical and not to be missed"

Diary of the Dreaming Spires - T.L.Williams -------

“Oxfordshire has a long history of Americana bands [but] they often don’t come as deep and weighty as this”

Richard and Alan – Gappy Tooth Industries


“This is music that has a powerful but gentle ebb and flow, like the river that flows through Americana music of the southern states The Mississippi, this is muddy, dirty, strong and enormous music; you get caught in the current of these songs and you’ve got no choice, you’re going for a trip for which there is no known destination. Like the night Jeff Buckley took a swim in the mighty Big Muddy, you might not get out the other side; but by golly is gonna be one hell of a ride.”

Jez Denton – Tarka Blowpig Music ===========================
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